Squirrels Part IV
The North Hollywood Trash Squirrel is a special breed. Very important to note, I have not genetically tested its composition. That would be cruel and I am absolutely opposed to animal testing. Unless it is a product for animals. Cow brushes should be tested on itchy cows. Has anyone made a squirrel brush? If I ever need to monetize this site that is the direction in which I will be going.
But the NHTS. This is a specific squirrel. Not part of a group. Although we’ve established that I have no idea if squirrels are pack animals. I also have no intention of learning. I simply enjoy watching and thinking about squirrels.
NoHoTraSqu lives in garbage. Similar to Oscar the Grouch. Yet far more real. And no discernable musical talent that I have picked up on thus far. She seems to have a diet more like the vermin that roam the streets concurrently. A squirrel is a rodent. In my limited experience they don’t appear to be harmful to crops, animals or game so I would not count it as a vermin. She does however have a verminous diet.
I encounter her on my morning walks most days as I stroll past a line of trash cans that are in any state between relatively clean, and contents everywhere but the bin. I would never go so far as to accuse her of creating any of the mess on the days when I find the trash to be in a more spread out situation. This careless litter technique is most certainly the result of humans. Animals take pride in their space more than a person who rifles through multiple trash cans looking for treasure and then leaves the discarded contents outside of the can to which it was originally confined. I feel like a squirrel’s ideal area would be clean and full of hidden nuts.
She has a favorite tree. Nearby the trash cans but removed enough to be considered nature. It is on the trunk of this tree that I greet her each morning. She’s always carrying the most interesting looking items in her mouth. I don’t refer to them as food because to my knowledge many of them are inedible. No matter your stomach’s propensity for pain.
Today’s breakfast consisted of a small rechargeable battery mount. The black plastic thing you insert your old Duracell’s into in order to have them live another round. I don’t buy batteries anymore as I rarely have use for them. If I did I would get the rechargeable versions and utilize something similar to what she’s trying to steal away for a meal. Maybe if I come back later I’ll get this one for free. It’s definitely not food. And if it turns out to be part of some kind of art project I will certainly document this and report back here.
In her element