Everyone is Not the Same
Taste is a very individual thing. Humans are a diverse bunch and we all like what we like and that’s about all there is to it.
What I like is not necessarily what anyone else will like. What everyone else likes is not the same. The pattern emerges. We are all unique and special individuals with our own thoughts and feelings and taste is very much a part of this equation.
Whether it be furniture or food we all have a different idea about what constitutes ‘good’. It has been my experience that those who proffer the idea of ‘The Best’ anything are merely prone to hyperbole, ignorant of the options available, or close-minded in their explorations. Don’t get me wrong. I would love to see a peer reviewed scientific study about who makes the objective best sandwich in the western United States. Such a study is sadly impossible for so many reasons.
Scientific studies are amazing things. Conducted over years with thousands, ten of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of controlled test cases. Always with the control too. What are we to judge something against if not the control? Sandwiches come and go. The ones that stay are made by an ever changing set of hands. Bosses and staff change and ingredients are sourced from different places. Time passes on by. You can’t measure this scientifically. You can only eat what you can eat and say what you think afterwards.
There are numerous examples of lauded dishes which I personally don’t believe earned their praise. There are also countless dishes I’ve eaten myself that are derided by others but I will stick by faithfully. The most important point is; it doesn’t matter. Hopefully you enjoy what you eat. And if you do and you tell your friends about it and they eat it hopefully they will enjoy it also. And if any part of this chain were to break with an incident of non-enjoyment... A criticism where previously you thought only praise. Then that’s life. We’re all doing our best on this rock hurtling around the sun at 67,000 mph. I’m just glad that from starting as apes we evolved the Italian deli.
Hickory Burger from The Apple Pan. Beloved by many, but not by me. And I am not wrong. Neither are the many.