How Does Everyone Smell So Good?

It’s not a rhetorical question. I would genuinely like to know. And not in general terms. I need to know the physical steps of the technique and the theory behind them.

The specific fragrance itself doesn’t tend to be an issue to me. Some people are very sensitive to smells. Some don’t like flowers with a scent. They’re allergic. I have no problem with the great majority of smells. Obvious outliers excluded.

Is it a spray? Is spray the correct term? Spray is what it does. Fragrance is what it is. Perfume sounds right but I feel like that’s a specific thing. Like a condo. I still don’t know how a cando is different from an apartment. No, I won't Google it. Precisely how much of this spray is required to achieve such good results? Where exactly is it applied on the body? Or is it on the clothing? I really don’t know, that’s why I’m asking. I know I could Google it. I prefer to ponder. Is it a concentrated liquid that is applied directly? Same questions apply.

These enquiries arise because someone walked past me on the street and suddenly the whole ecosystem around us had the same smell as The Aria casino in Las Vegas. The Aria was the first hotel I stayed in during my first trip to Las Vegas. The greatest city. Definitely within Nevada. Fight me. I think it’s some form of vanilla? The casino doubtless chose this particular scent for its ability to disguise the smell of cigarettes and regret, both of which I quite enjoy, too. There’s a website where you can buy the scents from each individual casino in Las Vegas. I don’t know if I would go this far. I don’t necessarily want myself to wear that scent. I do like it on others. It reminds me of my first time in my favorite place. A memory of being free.

I apply what I believe to be the correct amounts of the correct product in the correct places in the correct fashion. I think I do OK. But I feel like it only smells good to me. Which should be completely fine. It’s strange that I would want to project a scent anyway. But I do like everyone else’s.